Search Results for "skills"

1-10 out of 13 results.

If there are more than 200 matches, only the first 200 are displayed here.

Honing fraud investigation skills at MPC Masterclass

The tricky and technical world of fraud investigation was unravelled and explained at Thursday’s MPC Masterclass event.

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Masterclass: Finding New Ways to Fight Misinformation with Neil Varcoe

This special session will provide tips, insights and fresh perspectives that can help working journalists deal with the rising tide of misinformation.

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In crisis or tragedy, let’s recognise media’s purpose and value

Dart Centre Asia Pacific chair Trina McLellan discusses the importance of journalists' work, and the key skills required in the field.

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The Edit: How to get a job in journalism

There’s no guaranteed way to score a gig in journalism, but certain skills and experiences make candidates stand out.

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Mirrors and daggers: How journalists pay the price of 24/7 screen access

Australia’s access to high-level journalism skills and resources could lead it becoming an Asia Pacific hub for modelling and promoting solutions to technology-facilitated violence (TFV).

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Masterclass: Court reporting with Judge Liz Gaynor and lawyer Justin Quill

Hear from leading legal voices and boost your court reporting skillset at a special Melbourne Press Club Masterclass event.

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Masterclass: How to read a budget

Watch our masterclass with Heidi Murphy, Grant McArthur and Richard Willingham

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MPC Mentoring Program

The MPC Mentoring Program pairs new and experienced journos to build media skills and contacts.

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1-10 out of 13 results.

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