Search Results for "sports journalism"

1-10 out of 22 results.

If there are more than 200 matches, only the first 200 are displayed here.

Enter Now: 2020 Harry Gordon National Sports Journalism Award

The national award recognises the best sports journalism in all media and all codes

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The Edit: Finding focus – a career in photojournalism

This Edit event will discuss those challenges, starting with how to find your way in the job, to wrestling with AI, issues of verification, how to cover big events and what it takes to land that unforgettable image.

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Konrad Marshall named Sports Journalist of the Year

Konrad Marshall of Good Weekend magazine has won the biggest prize in Australian sports journalism

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2019 Quills: Sports News

Leo Schlink and Mark Buttler of the Herald Sun won the 2019 Sports News Quill

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2019 Quills: Sports Photograph

AFL Media photographer Michael Willson won the 2019 Sports Photograph Quill for 'The Kick'

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Closing Soon: The 2019 Harry Gordon Australian Sports Journalist of the Year Award

The national award recognises the best sports journalism in all media and all codes

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2018 Quills: Sports News

Leo Schlink of the Herald Sun won the 2018 Sports News Quill

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2018 Quills: Sports Photograph

Getty Images photographer Michael Dodge won the 2018 Sports Photograph Quill for 'Caught Red Handed'

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The 2018 Harry Gordon Australian Sports Journalist of the Year

The national award recognises the best sports journalism in all media and all codes

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1-10 out of 22 results.

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