1-10 out of 27 results.
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Marnie Vinall and Greg Baum of The Age have won the Quill for Coverage of Women in Sport, sponsored by the Office for Women in Sport and Recreation, for their coverage of the FIFA Women’s World Cup.
Jeremy Story Carter of the ABC National Regional Reporting Team has won the 2022 Coverage of Women in Sport Quill, sponsored by the Office for Women in Sport and Recreation, for his piece “Is this Australia's coolest footy team?”
Tom Cowie and Rachael Dexter of The Sunday Age has won the 2021 Quill for Coverage of Women in Sport, sponsored by VicHealth.
Chris Gillett of ABC 7.30 has won the 2020 VicHealth Quill for Coverage of Women in Sport Quill
Lucy Carter of ABC 7.30 has won the 2019 VicHealth Quill for Coverage of Women in Sport
Samantha Lane of The Age has won the inaugural VicHealth Quill for Coverage of Women in Sport
VicHealth supports Quill recognising great journalism in the reporting of women in sport.
Linda’s compelling series on the failure of the Collingwood netball club revealed the dysfunction at the heart of the famous football club’s foray into women’s netball.
Join us for this important discussion with a stellar panel of athletes and experts, including Gabriela Garton, Nana Owusu-Afriyie, Marnie Vinall and Dr Kasey Symons
Head of AFLW delivers 17th Bob Rose Lecture
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