Search Results for "MPC national awards"

1-10 out of 35 results.

If there are more than 200 matches, only the first 200 are displayed here.

State and national award winners announced at 2021 Quills

Winners have been announced for all 2021 Quills, as well as the Perkin, Gordon, Student, and Lifetime Achievement awards.

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Enter Now: 2020 Harry Gordon National Sports Journalism Award

The national award recognises the best sports journalism in all media and all codes

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MPC launches Michael Gordon Fellowships

The new national grants will fund social justice journalism

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48th Graham Perkin Award Winners Neil Chenoweth and Edmund Tadros

Neil Chenoweth and Edmund Tadros have won the 48th Graham Perkin Award for coverage of the PwC Tax Leaks Scandal.

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9th Gordon Award winner Linda Pearce

Linda Pearce has won the 9th Harry Gordon Australian Sports Journalist of the Year

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2022 Gordon Award winner Konrad Marshall

Konrad Marshall won the 8th Harry Gordon Australian Sports Journalist of the Year

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2022 Graham Perkin Award Winner Hedley Thomas

Hedley Thomas won the 47th Graham Perkin Award for coverage of the criminal justice system

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2021 Gordon Award winner Michael Warner

Michael Warner won the 7th Harry Gordon Australian Sports Journalist of the Year

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2021 Graham Perkin Award Winner Samantha Maiden

Samantha Maiden won the 46th Graham Perkin Award for coverage of abuse in Parliament House

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Gordon Judging Criteria

Read entry information for the 2023 Gordon award

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1-10 out of 35 results.

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